Her fight, is our fight.

Emily’s Story

With deep unbearable grief we bring you the heart-wrenching news that our incredible warrior Emily passed away peacefully here at home at 5:45 on Sunday November 27th. She was surrounded by her family, friends, her pets, and an abundance of unconditional love & Christmas joy.

We love you all and we are so thankful for the outpouring of love and kindness we’ve been receiving over the past several days. I’m sorry we haven’t been able to respond to everyone yet. Please be patient with us.

If you would like to donate and help support the Lambert family as they grieve this tragic loss, please visit GO FUND ME.

Her light, love, and warrior spirit will live on through her children, husband, and every life she touched.

In April of 2021, Emily (only 35 years old at the time) was feeling healthy and strong as she went about her daily life working from home, driving a mom taxi, and tending to her mini household farm. She is a fierce yet incredibly gentle and nurturing wife to Ben (a.k.a. Lou), and mother of two darling children, Ivy Jane (12 years old), and Ivan Craig (8 years old).


Mother is just one of many roles she plays in our lives. She is our sister, daughter, cousin, friend, and neighbor who always, so selflessly, puts the needs of others before her own. She is our rock solid foundation, the one who ties us all together with her creative adventurous spirit and diplomatic perspectives on life. We can not afford to lose her and we need your help to ensure she gets all the very best care possible. This past year has been an arduous and terrifying rollercoaster ride for her and her family.


Everything can change in the blink of an eye. After suffering from several frightening seizures, Emily had a craniotomy to remove a baseball sized tumor from her brain.

Ben has remained at Emily’s side nearly 24/7 throughout this whole ordeal. This has been a true blessing and a great benefit to Emily’s physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing as managing her care is more than a fulltime job. He has been much more than a husband and father throughout all of this… he has been her nurse, case manager, medical liaison, chauffeur, personal chef, confidant, shoulder to cry on, comic relief, etc.


The benefits to him providing such care and support are immeasurable and irreplaceable! There is, however, a disadvantage to this which has created great financial hardship for the family. Ben and Emily own and operate their own business, but due to the complex demands of the past twelve months, neither Ben or Emily have had the capacity to work very much. This is why we, Emily’s Warriors, are building support systems and organizing fundraisers for Emily and her family.


We hope you’ll take time to explore our page and learn more about Emily’s journey and ways that we as a community can help ease the burden on her and her family.

If you would like to donate to help Emily and the Lambert family, please visit the Go Fund Me page by clicking the button below. Every contribution, large or small, helps!

Thank you for all of your support!


“When you’ve got two forms of stage 4 cancer, the pucker effect is so strong that you couldn’t drive a straight pin up my ass with a 10 pound sledge hammer”

— Emily Lambert


Join the Support Squad

Do you want to join Emily’s Fearless Fight? Send us your information and someone from the support squad will be in touch. Or you can reach us at:
